
Ireland's sailing, boating & maritime magazine

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If you value Afloat's coverage of sailing, boating and maritime affairs please help to fund it.

Afloat's combination of opinion, hard news and features puts it at the very heart of the national conversation on sailing, boating and maritime affairs.

At a time when many ports around our coasts are in the process of change, the needs of marine communities are being overlooked but it is essential this voice is heard.

Producing in-depth, well-reported journalism is difficult and expensive. Supporting us isn't. – like the rest of the media – is operating in an incredibly challenging commercial environment.

Afloat's popular online format has a strong returning readership with around 48% of daily visits being return visitors. In fact over the peak maritime months in 2016 Afloat surpassed its own record with an average of 90,000 unique visitors who availed of our free internet service.

Now we're asking our readers to help us. If everyone chipped in, we can enhance our coverage and our future would be more secure. You can help us through a small donation below.

If you have already done so, thank you. It means a lot to us.

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Bank: AIB - Allied Irish Banks
Account number: 08494109
Sort code: 93-36-78
IBAN: IE32AIBK93367808494109

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Baily Publications Ltd,
PO Box 12561,
Dun Laoghaire,
Co. Dublin.

Please make your cheque payable to Baily Publications Ltd and write on the back '08494109 (Afloat)'.

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